The Tr adition al D ance C ariso ñ a Folk D ance Culture The cariñosa is a Philippine folk dance of Hispanic origin. It is closely associated with the island of Panay and the Visayas region in general. The word cariñosa is from the Spanish cariñosa meaning the affectionate one. Most Filipina women can be described as karinyosa. This is a courtship dance that portrays acts of flirtation between a man and a woman. The dancers perform steps resembling hide-and-seek movements. The woman holds a handkerchief or sometimes a fan. One of the national dances we should be proud of is the Carinosa. This is a courtship dance known through out the philippines with its flirtatious movements. The word "carinosa" means affectionate, amiable, or lovable.ther are many versions of this dance, but hide and seek movements. C ariso ñ a Folk D ance Cast: Jovani Abonado Christian Ascura Fhillmar Robless Loren Marande Bea Ang...